Restaurant Association News

National Restaurant Association and National Restaurant...

The National Restaurant Association and the National Restaurant Association Educ...

California Restaurant Association Rolls out Grant Plan ...

Foundation kicks off program with $100K donation, but more is needed.

National Restaurant Association Provides Overview of Fo...

President-elect Trump has stated a desire to impose tariffs on imports from Cana...

Uk Hospitality Sector Faces £914m Increase in Business ...

The U.K. September inflation figures suggest that business rates in England will...

New U.K. Packaging Rules Risk ‘Double Penalty’ For Hosp...

The disposal of thousands of tonnes of packaging will be unfairly paid for twice...

Accor Joins New Australian Restaurant and Cafe Associat...

ARCA was established to provide a voice and action on behalf of an industry that...

Summer Of Action: Hill Runners Engage Lawmakers At Home

With Congress in recess, this initiative looks to book in-person meetings at res...

Strict Sick Leave Policy is Critical to Your Operation’...

CDC says large percentage of foodborne illness outbreaks are preventable by maki...

National Restaurant Association Summer Series Tackles H...

Industry and policy experts offer solutions to help ease operational issues.

Delay to U.K. Tipping Law Implementation an 'Appropriat...

The implementation of new tipping laws has been pushed back three months to 1 Oc...

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