External Source News

More of the Worst Restaurant Customers Ever - Kitchenette

Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strang...

What Do Customers Want from Travel Websites? - Econsult...

53% of UK consumers research and buy holidays online, though many could be deter...

5 Trends That Will Shape the Next Few Years of Social M...

The past few years have seen some spectacular changes in the technology that emb...

Egg Recall Tied to Salmonella Grows to 380 Million - ABC

Hundreds of people have been sickened in a salmonella outbreak linked to eggs in...

Facebook Versus Google Travel, the Upcoming Travel Wars...

With Expedia, Orbitz, and other online travel stocks hovering just above the bas...

Facebook Acquires Social Travel Recommendation Site Nex...

acebook is acquiring social travel recommendation site Nextstop, according a blo...

One in Four Americans Plan to Travel Less This Summer

However, Americans expect to spend more on transportation and other vacation costs

What Social Media Will Look Like in 2012

11 Predictions That Will Affect Marketers and the Way They Do Business

The Social Media Bubble

I'd like to advance a hypothesis: Despite all the excitement surrounding social ...

9 Killer Tips for Location-Based Marketing

Social networking has finally become something valuable for brick-and-mortar bus...

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